
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Ever after high.....

In 6 days the ever after high throne-coming episode will be on Nickelodeon on November 2nd! I'm so excited! I'm getting really anxious about it!
I hope they make Poppy O'hair's throne-coming doll! And Melody piper's too!
And Halloween in coming up! I wonder if they'll make an episode about that. I know I'm just speaking pure randomness but I can't help it! :) Well gotta go!
           -Adelaide R.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

I'm 14!

Hi all! Today is my 14th birthday I was born in 2000 and 14 years ago my dad delivered me when I was born in our mini van on the side of the highway in downtown Missouri (I think) The cord was around my neck and I couldn't breath and so my dad stuck his finger down my throat and after that I could breath. The doctors were angry at my dad for doing something that dangerous. So today when I woke up I found some presents on my bed and I got some candy with nuts (I love nuts 'cause I am a nut :)from my youngest sister Prissy, And from my mom and one of my older sisters I got....Drum-roll....Maddie Hatter!
Ever After High Madeline Hatter Doll
She is so adorable! and I will be posting more about her.
Well gotta go!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Ever after high Throne-coming!!!!

Hey guys! So Today I checked up on ever after high and they had this really cool trailer! I can't get it on my blog but if you search up: then you'll find it. I really love Poppy's throne-coming outfit! I hope they come out with all the throne-coming dolls!
Well I gotta go! (sorry this post was so short!:)

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

First doll!!!!

Okay so I guess by now you know that I LOVE ever after high. Well so does my younger sister Emma who is 12. Well she saved up and bought...Drum-roll......:) CERISE HOOD! So though she isn't my doll I still got super excited! :) I'll be posting actual pics of her but until then I'll just put the store pic of her on here
EVER AFTER HIGH™ Cerise Hood™ Doll
Well gotta go!