Yeah..I'm so very very very very very very sorry about all this non-posting...I'm looking for a cord or something so I can dump my loads of pictures on here and finish my many thousand upon thousands of posts.
But! I'm starting to get very excited about something that's about to happen in a few weeks...Know what it is? well..I'll give ya a hint...okay, well over here where I live, it's starting to get kinda breezy and almost; CHILLY!
Yup, I'm getting excited about autumn!!!! Maybe a countdown to the first day of autumn?.....What do you think? Here are my reasons for being extremely excited about autumn:
1- Autumn is probably my favorite season besides Winter.
2- My birthday is coming this October.
4-Crisp cold air...and the smell of apple cider.
5-raking leaves and jumping into them!
6-hoodies, beanies, scarves, arm-warmers, you name it!
7-(This is when me and my sister start what we call our "ration" of Christmas music every-once in a while until like late November, and that's when we start listening to it non-stop!)
8-Celtic music, I'm half yeah I like it a lot!
9-baking! Things like: pumpkin cookies, apple pie, Pumpkin pie, sweet potato-pudding( I love it so much!)
10-Thanksgiving!!!! (are any of you getting the feels yet? :)
11-around like November we start decorating for Christmas!!! getting the garlands up, and the day after thanksgiving, we get out Christmas tree!
12-Going to the Luisburg cider mill!!!! I love going there!
13-The leaves that are still on the trees turn a completely gorgeous color!!!
14-two of my brother's birthdays on this fall!
15-Using all five of the senses; touch, taste, hear, smell, see!
16-Going outside to play in the cold and wearing coats, scarves, hats, and when you've played outside for a bit, your nose and cheeks start to get red and pink with the cold, so you come in and you get some warm cider.
17-using the fireplace!!! It's so warm and cozy.
I have more things in my head but I can't remember them but yeah you get the point!!!
-see ya around!