
Thursday, November 13, 2014

1st award!

My very first award for this  blog! I got nominated by Lydia from Thank you Lydia!!!

I started this blog 'cause I love Ever after high (I'm a bit of a nerd :) I also wanted to be able to post more than just drawing from my art blog; Addy' I really wanted to get to know more girls like me. I'v had this blog for only a few months. But it's great!

It's okay if you don't get comments, it's okay if you don't get followers right away. And you can post about anything! (not anything insulting of course!) And even if you get bad reviews, just don't let them get you down! And always try something new! And do not worry about what other people may think about you! You don't have to be ashamed!
I nominate:
-Abbie R.
-the doll Wardrobe
-Amy dashwood
-guinea pig lover
-Never grow up
-Allison Ballenger
Well I gotta go!
  Adelaide R


  1. BTW- everyone who is reading this! go to Lydia's blog for info on what to do!

  2. Thanks so much for nominating me, Aunt Chloe! :D I don't do awards on my blog anymore but I really appreciate you giving me this one... and I loved your advice for new bloggers. Looking forward to reading more of your posts! Miss you!

  3. Thank you for the nomination and sorry I didn't see it sooner!
